An internationally renowned Leadership and Motivational Speaker, Kenneth KWAN has trained and spoken to over tens of thousand of people across 10 countries about developing intrinsic motivation and what is required to lead high impact teams.

Kenneth has helped Multi-National Companies and government organisations shift employee mindsets to create proactive and high performing team culture. He specialises in moving people from being problem focused to solution focused.  Businesses who work with Kenneth say that they have increased staff engagement, retention and a sense of individual ownership in what they do.  More about Kenneth Kwan can be found at



Putting Patients First- The Small Steps That Make A Big Difference


What is the difference between a client and a customer? Is there a possibility that we can fall in love with our processes so much that we have forgotten about our patients? In this keynote, you will hear stories of the small steps that have created a big difference when relating to people and ultimately, to our client.