Biographical Sketch

Prof Salvatore Albani
, M.D., Ph.D, is currently a Professor with the Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, the Director of the SingHealth Translational Immunology and Inflammation Centre, and a Senior Clinical Scientist with the SingHealth Duke-NUS Paediatrics Academic Clinical Program.

Prof Albani is an internationally renowned rheumatologist and immunologist. His fundamental research interest is in understanding human immunity and contributing the knowledge to therapeutic and diagnostic advancements.

He developed several innovative approaches in the area of induction and maintenance of immune tolerance in humans, and is responsible for the whole translational process from idea to conclusion of Phase II clinical trial in autoimmune inflammatory diseases, which have a large impact on society and individuals.

The technology platform has applications in diseases that could benefit from a restoration of immune tolerance. This translational research itinerary has been the original backbone of his career, as witnessed by a rich publication trail such as Nature Medicine, Lancet, JCI, PNAS, Nature Rheumatology and by approximately 100 patents.

Prof Albani co-founded and is a charter member of the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA). He also co-founded and serves as President of the non-profit foundation, Eureka Institute for Translational Medicine, which is an elite international education and research organisation. Prof Albani received several prestigious awards, including the recent Nature Biotechnology award for career achievement and the STAR award from National Medical Research Council (NMRC) Singapore.