A healthcare industry pioneer, Adrienne envisions an integrated patient and employee experience in healthcare powered by empathy, technology, co-design, and evidence-based research. She publishes extensively on the future of experience design and metrics that matter in humane experiences of health. She is a practicing neurologist and the former Chief Experience Officer of the Cleveland Clinic.
Presentation Synopsis
The Use of Patient Experience Data to Transform Care
Nearly every industry is revolutionizing how they think about caring for their employees and how to best differentiate with their customer experience. Healthcare is catching up in some ways and still behind in others. Patient experience is often thought of as a nice to have in healthcare, but the truth is it is much more. We know that caring for others creates value for the caregiver as well as the patient themselves - as evidenced in by driving meaning, outcomes, and reducing burnout. The power of patient experience data is also within its relationship to employee experience, operational performance, and financial returns. In my keynote, we will review several case studies of the impact of focusing on patient and employee experience of major brands working to deliver more personalization at scale and focus on what healthcare can learn and share with the world about how to operationalize empathy. We will also review multiple examples of how patient experience data can be leveraged to drive traditional performance in safety and quality, but also to design more empathic systems at scale.