Mr Marc Ronez is a seasoned Risk and Organizational Change Management champion with over 20 years of experience in the field through his research, training, coaching & consulting works for a wide range of MNCs and government organizations around Asia. An innovative expert, Marc has developed comprehensive methodologies and roadmaps on ERM Framework Design & Implementation; Corporate Governance Systems Maturation, Ethics & Compliance Ecosystems, Corporate Risk Culture Transformation, PDPA for Data Privacy & Protection, IPPC for AML/CFT and Risk-based Business Model Analysis & Sustainability Strategies; Reputation & Stakeholders Management. Mr Marc Ronez is also the lead curriculum developer behind industry recognised certification programs such as the ARiMI-CPRM™ and ARiMI-CERM™.

Mr Marc Ronez has an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth GSB, an MSc in Insurance and a LLM from the University of La Sorbonne. He is also a Fellow in Applied Risk Management (EFARM) from the CARM Institute.

Presentation Synopsis
Psychology of Risk Perception & Biased Decision-Making in Healthcare: Implications for Risk Communication, Learning & Management
Ideally, decision making about clinical, operational, and business risks should follow a rational and objective process, but in reality, the way individuals make decisions and hence the quality of their choices are, to a large extent, influenced by the perception they have about the risk issues considered. This biased decision-making process can potentially lead to unsatisfactory and even highly detrimental outcomes. We will explore the psychological factors that influence how people perceive, respond, and are impacted by risk issues to help define effective risk framing, communications and learning strategies that can compensate for those factors and hence improve risk management in clinical, operational, and business area.